Bringing Unification on the Meal Table with Kimchi!

  • 김다혜
  • 대한민국
  • #Employment
    #Human Rights

Bringing Unification on the Meal Table with Kimchi!

9% $645 Achieved Achieved


Funding Target ㅣ$7,500

Complete 2021-06-10is the last day

Is it possible to donate goods or talents?
We value your time and your contribution

Impact Employment 50% Human Rights 20% Education 30%
김다혜 대한민국
Impact Employment Human Rights Education

Hello, I’m Da Hye Kim, CEO of  ‘Chosun-Born Kimchi’, North Korean Kimchi company. I was born in Chongjin, a beautiful city by the East Sea of North Korea. I studied accounting at the School of Commerce, the school that was admired by every female student. As soon as I graduated, I began working for the National Agency for Commerce and Supplies. As it was the time when the market economy was flourishing in Jangmadang(market places), I started my own business while keeping up my job at the same time. The business went really well and it grew big enough to rent the entire train cargo to transport the products.

Unfortunately, the rapid growth of my business has offended the government, and they confiscated all the goods. Years of my efforts went down the drain in a moment. Eventually, I decided to leave North Korea, and finally passed the Duman River 8 years ago.

 I came to South Korea with such high hopes that anything and everything can be possible. But life as a total stranger was not easy at all. The most challenging part was having homesickness. What I missed the most was the signature taste of my mom's Kimchi. I would have felt less nostalgic for my hometown if I could have her Kimchi from my childhood memories. I had tried all kinds of Kimchi brands to find the very one similar to that of my mom’s, but I failed to find the flavor I missed.

The only way to bring mom’s Kimchi on the table was to make it by myself. I recollected my childhood memories making Kimchi with my mom and siblings. The fact that I made over a thousand cabbages of Kimchi shows that I was desperate to find that taste.

I was wondering if other people would also like my Kimchi. My neighbors, North Korean defector students and friends all told me that my Kimchi tastes really good and it reminds them of their hometown. Also, I became more confident as my Kimchi got viral.

“Seeing young students who escaped from North Korea enjoying my Kimchi really kept me motivated and inspired me to move forward.”

However, it was my mistake to think that the business would go smoothly. All kinds of problems came up and I began to question myself whether I’m doing well enough. I even wanted to give up everything when my partner left me because of health problems. But every time I was down, support from my family and people around me raised me up again.

Now I’m facing new challenges as my Kimchi is becoming known by more and more people. Impact Donation will be used to purchase kitchen appliances including refrigerators and to improve our product distribution process. Would you be part of my story to help overcome current challenges and difficulties and grow for the better?

I hope our company to be a bridge that connects the gap between the two Koreas. Also I expect to hire not only North Korean defectors but also marginalized people in South Korea and expand my business to become a leading corporate for the unification era. Furthermore, I hope our company to become a global enterprise to make Kimchi known to the world.

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