‘수혜자’에서 ‘기부자’로 임팩트 기부!‘임팩트 기부’를 통해 모금된 기부금의 100% 를 수수료 없이 이들의 지속가능한 성장과 자립을 위해 전달합니다.
진행중인 프로젝트
Nata Relation, Fixing Uncertainties of Returning Nepalis
by Nata Relation
53%key 'dollar (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.3,215,150 key 'won (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. key 'achieved (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
How does Biogaz keep Beninese women healthy?
by Biogaz
6%key 'dollar (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.451,955 key 'won (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. key 'achieved (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
Designing the Future of Ghanian Women, HMFC
38%key 'dollar (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.2,754,068 key 'won (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. key 'achieved (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
One of North Korea's Top Exports: Frog Oil
by 천년미래
25%key 'dollar (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.2,333,178 key 'won (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. key 'achieved (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
A Korean Master Chef Makes Healthy Korean Desserts!
by 원쌤미식
41%key 'dollar (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.3,759,218 key 'won (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. key 'achieved (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
Dreaming self-reliance with Shea butter!
by G.C
33%key 'dollar (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.2,424,970 key 'won (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. key 'achieved (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
더 브릿지
함께하는 가치를 만들어 갑니다.더 브릿지는 개발도상국 주민과 탈북민의 사람, 환경 중심 자립 프로젝트를 지원하는 비영리 사단법인 입니다
더 브릿지는 개발도상국 주민과 탈북민의 사람, 환경 중심 자립 프로젝트를 지원하는 비영리 사단법인으로 함께하는 가치를 만들어 갑니다.
Give In Celebration
Turn your special day into a meaningful one joining hands with your friends and loved ones to make a positive impact on global issues!
key 'mainEventTab1 (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
Our Story
박상희key ''s (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.Birthday🎉02key 'month (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. 20key 'day (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.💖
생일을 특별한 선물, 가나 여성들의 미래를 밝히는 기부에 동참해주세요!
key 'amountRaisedIsPrivate (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
지원(Jiwon)key ''s (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.Birthday🎉02key 'month (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. 11key 'day (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.💖
28번째 생일을 기부로 함께 축하해주세요🎉
114%key 'dollar (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.573,000 key 'won (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. key 'achieved (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
Food for Lifekey ''s (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.Event🎉03key 'month (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. 15key 'day (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.💖
Food for Life Anniversary: share love with children who lost their homes due to war
5%key 'dollar (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.20,000 key 'won (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. key 'achieved (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
이제호key ''s (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.Birthday🎉01key 'month (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. 31key 'day (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.💖
생일을 특별하게 만들어주세요!
key 'amountRaisedIsPrivate (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
key 'subscribeNewsletter1 (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
key 'subscribeNewsletter2 (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
key 'collectingPersonalInformation (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.key 'and (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.key 'termsAndCondition (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.key 'agreed (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string.
The Bridge International | CEO Jinsol Hwang | key 'chiefPrivacyOfficer (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. Jinsol Hwang | key 'businessLicenseNumber (sitemap.xml)' returned an object instead of string. 683-82-00062Korea Office : 5F, 40, Seolleung-ro 93-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul USA Office : 3251 Old Lee Highway, Suite 404, Fairfax, VA 22030 The Bridge International's USA Office is a 501c(3) non-profit organization and all contributions are fully tax-deductible.
Family Site